Thursday, April 11, 2013


A week and a half ago, I was sitting in Chapel service as I do every Monday, when the speaker showed the picture of a little girl in a foreign country. He proceeded to speak about how poor the little girl's living conditions were and how she and her family believed in multiple (hundreds) of gods until one day, a college student heard about this organization called Compassion that brings hope through food, education, and knowledge of Jesus Christ to children all around the world.

He then told us of his conversation with this little girl and how she had so little and how none of her possessions or the things around her were the best of anything and yet, the little girl expressed how she has true joy and happiness because she now knows Jesus. The message touched and inspired me so much that I made a decision that very day, to be the person who brings that kind of hope to a child who is in desperate need of it. I was really (secretly) hoping to be given the information card of young African girl because that is where my heart for ministry resides but as God would have it, I was given the information card of a young Ethiopian male child named Filpos. I gracefully accepted the mission that God has set in front of me but somehow looking at the picture of Filpos stirred up a sense of "not enoughness" in my spirit. I found myself on the Compassion website searching for little girls in Africa and this time, my search was very deliberate and very specific. When God places a desire on your heartand a calling over your life, unless you decide to go with it right away, your heart will never be at ease until it's satisfied. I was searching for a little African girl who had the exact same birthday as Tamia and not so that I could sponsor her, but so that Tamia can. My desire is to teach Tamia that there are people int this world who are less fortunate than she is and that it is her responsibility as a child of God, born in America, to always consider others. So instead of allowances and thoughtless purchases, I want to make Tamia fully conscious of her decisions and how all acts of selfishness can become acts of selflessness and we will use the money that she would receive or spend, and provide hope to someone else. It's a big lesson to learn but I intend to help her learn it!

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