Saturday, February 20, 2016

2015 Came and Went

I find it so hard to believe that there is not a single post from 2015 especially because I thought of blogging more than once. That year literally came and went. Since I didn't find the time to chronicle some of the things that happened in 2015, here's a quick little overview for you:
*You rode a plane for the first time
*You lost 5 teeth
*You outgrew your entire wardrobe (on down to the socks)
*You started school
*You had a Monster High birthday party
*You met your sister Maria
*You found out that you're an aunt
*You went to the Royal Family Christmas party and invited to camp the following summer
*You slept your way into the new year

That about sums up the major events in the year and all of the minor, more daily things are reflected in the tons of photographs and picture books that are kept away in your secret time capsule. Oops, did I say that?!..

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